Saturday, November 10, 2012

Wakeup Productive: Introduction

Inner game and outer game  of time management and productivity.

Promise: If you do the program you will wake up  at least TWICE productive.

What are we  looking for: Success.

Success is:
Inner: Feeling good. Happy. Feeling that we are making a difference. Joy. Contentment.
Outer: Achievement. Making a difference. Getting things done!
We need both:  Inner and Outer.

RoadBlock to success: Feeling out of control. Is one of the core issue.Happiness directly related to feeling in control. Getting things done leads to control which leads to success and happiness.

Productivity is HUGE leverage.

Productivity styles doesn't work for everyone.  For example: Some are list makers and some are not.
Most of the methods will work for most of folks.

Eben has been more productive he is ever been.  Unlimited stuff is happening  in his life. Why he is not overwhelmed.
Change happens when you are at the edge of your comfort zone.
He is happy. He is enjoying life.

Format of the program:
18 sessions: Intro. + 5 fast start sessions(5 days) + 12 sessions( One per week).

What is preventing us from being productive?

  1. We are overwhelmed by choices. For example: Which car to buy?
Internally we don't have many personal choices.
Skills to develop: Narrowing options when there are too many and generating more options when there are not enough. FOCUS
For example: Todo software. So many of them but not one we need.

  1. Culture of distraction.  Phone ringing, web surfing, jumping from one thing to other. Controlling distraction and interruption is the highest priority.
  2. Obsessive snacking culture. Instead of eating full healthy meal. We  snack.  Snacking of attention. Switching.  Jumping from one thing to other. Go from one course to other. Go deep. And Focus. Go deeper on the things which are important to us.
  3. Multitasking.  It is very inefficient.  Focus on one thing for a chunk of time then disconnect. Get out of Grey Zone.  When work work when play play when rest rest.  No grey zone.
  4. Culture of entertainment then getting results. For example: Movie we watch. Eating. Not taking care of health.  For example eating candy instead of salad. Candy is entertaining but will not make you grow. Feeling and energy we get from healthy stuff is lot more fun than getting entertained by candy for the short term. Don't distract ourselves too much with entertainment instead focus more on results.
  5. Culture of magic pills. This is really hurting us. There are no quick fixes. You have to put the time. Put the effort.  No one software . No magic pill.  This is immature.
  6. Short term vs long term results of an action are typically different and often opposite. 
For example:
Eating chips. Short term: yummy. Long term: Health. Low energy. Weight. Disease.
Eating broccoli . Short term: Yucky. Long term: Energy. Health. Focus. Feel better.
"Life is hard if you live it the easy way. Life is easy if you live it the hard way"

"Change the system not the symptom".

11 principles of personal productivity ( Mindsets. Beliefs.)

  1. Everyone can be productive. Not just productive but can be  creative as well.  Some are not productive/creative in a structure and some outside of a structure ( Blank canvas). Understand when you are most productive.
Use your talent and develop skills and strengths. For example: Tiger Woods. He is talented. But he developed skill by practice.

  1. Managing time is about managing yourself.
"Time Management is a misnomer. Challenge is managing yourself" - Covey
Time just flows..  When you say managing time it's external. When you say managing myself it is taking more responsibility. Getting control of my mind , emotions and body and directing towards the right place.
Controlling yourself is really hard.  We are almost like robots. We believe we are in control but actually we are not. For example: Fast for 36 hours. 
Good news is there are techniques for managing yourself.

  1. We have three brains.
Brain stem. Limbic system . Lizard brain. Physical.
Amygdala . Mammalian brain. Emotional.
Cortex (Intellectual). Human brain. Mental.
Old brains (Lizard and Mammalian) are more in control.
Three brains are not well connected. So a lot of
Physical. Emotional. Mental.

  1. Habit is destiny.
First you shape your habits then they shape you.
We have physical, mental and emotional pathways.
Habits pave paths. Muscle memory. Poor posture.
Routines. Habits.

  1. Internal Chaos creates external Chaos.
Inner butterfly effect. Butterfly flapping it's wings in Hong Kong  can trigger  storm in Kansas.
We need to manage inner chaos.

  1. Focusing our talent and strengths on our biggest opportunities. 80-20 principle.
  1. Your future can be extension of the past or something new you create.  Don't live in the past focus on future.
  2. Focus on what you want to create. Not what you want to avoid. Unconscious mind  don't have concept of negative. Don't think of the color blue. Don't smoke. Subconscious mind: SMOKE SMOKE…
  3. Choose don't decide.
Decide: Cut off possibilities.
Choose: Having multiple options and choosing one.
I have to vs I choose to.
Choose is more positive.
  1. Balance organization with  flow.
Where could you use more structure? Where you could be more in flow?
  1. If you want to wakeup productive. You must go to next level. You must become You 2.0.
Look at someone who is 10-15 years ahead of you. Who has seen this. Model. Learn from the experiences from other.

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