Saturday, November 3, 2012

Hello World!

Hello World!

This is a blog of journey towards You/Me  Version 2.0.
This is a mission of  human transformation  towards next level of evolution. 

  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Emotional
  • Financial 
  • Spiritual

First something about myself:

My name is Anish and I am from California.  I have been self help junkie for the last 20 years. Reading and listening to  self help and personal development books is my hobby/passion. Unfortunately the problem is I haven't put too much of what I have learned  into practice. :-)  Now is the time to change that!

We will be covering following areas in this blog:

Health and Fitness
Self Disciples
Habit-formation  and 30/60/90 day trials and experiments
Book summaries
Courses summaries
Mind Hacks
Self Confidence
Networking and public speaking

... and so on....

1 comment:

  1. I saw you posting about Eben Pagan's - Wake Up Productive 2. I used to have it until my external harddrive broke
    could you do me a big favor and upload it? Ive been searching all over the web, all links are down or its either the wrong version ...i would really appreciate it since i loved the program.
